Top 12 facts about Game of Thrones | Ashish's Blog


  • Top facts about Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and FireGeorge R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels, the first of which is A Game of Thrones. The show is filmed in Belfast and elsewhere in Northern IrelandCanadaCroatiaIcelandMaltaMoroccoScotlandSpain, and the United States.The series premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011, and will conclude with its eighth season, which will premiere on April 14, 2019.

1.First Fact

When we first met Tywin Lannister at the end of season 1 he gave Jamie a lecture while skinning a stag which was a metaphor for House Baratheon since their sigil is a stag but what you might not have known is that they used an actual dead stag and actor Charles dance was in fact skinning it for real.

2.Second Fact

Stefan Dillon who played Stannis Baratheon. Since said that there was nothing negative about his time on set but he also has nothing good to say and didn't really enjoy it he apparently did not understand most of the stories and said that he took the role for money.

3.Third Fact

Lena Headey and Jerome Flynn went through a breakup that left them on horrible terms so it was written into their contracts that they would not have to film any scenes together.

4.Fourth Fact

When Daenerys ate that horse part in season 1 after shooting that scene actress Emilia Clarke was covered in so much fake blood that she got stuck to a toilet.

5.Fifth Fact

George RR martin had a cameo in the pilot as a noble of Pentos attending Daenerys wedding sadly the Cameo didn't survive the reshoots.

6.Sixth Fact

Ahead of the season six premiere Israeli TV provider yes created a new temporary channel devoted entirely to Game of Thrones it reared the entire first five seasons and had wall-to-wall featurettes with any kind of programming they could find relating to the show.

7.Seventh Fact

Several musicians have appeared on Game of Thrones as extras in the rains of castamere Coldplay drummer world champion played one of the musicians at the red wedding in hardhome the heavy metal band Mastodon can be seen playing wildlings who are killed by the White Walkers and later resurrected as wives and finally ed sheeran made an appearance in season 7 as a Lannister soldier.

8.Eighth Fact

George RR Martin's confirmed that the words of house Bolton are blades are sharp it's most likely because of the Bolton's history of playing their enemies alive.

10.Tenth Fact

Unlike many previous battle scenes the Battle of the bastard youth very few aerial shots this was because HBO's safety rules kept them from using camera drones over horses and people this gave them the idea to work around it by shooting most of the battle on the 
ground from John and Ramsay's perspective.

11.Eleventh Fact

When it came time to add visual effects for Ramsay Bolton's long-awaited death scenes VFX group's image engine originally planned to use CGI to show Randy Bolton's jaw getting ripped in half by his own hunting talents but after they finished it they decided that the site was too gruesome even for Game of Thrones and scrapped it.

12.Twelveth Fact

The most expensive episode today was the Battle of the bastard it reportedly took 600 crew members 500 extras and 25 days of filming to pull off the epic clash.

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