1. Female Origins
Did you know that all of the human beings in the world begin their existence as females. Well we all do at least for a short while. How is this possible? Geneticists have discovered that humans technically start life as a blank slate and for the first five to six weeks only. The X chromosome is present in a fetus. The X and Y chromosomes are responsible for determining an individual sex. If two X chromosomes join together during conception a female is produced. If an X and a Y chromosome joined together a male appears. After the five to six week period if the fetus is to be male the Y chromosome finally appears in a process called sexual differentiation. The Y chromosome releases androgens like testosterone and represses the female hormone estrogen and if the Y chromosome never arrives then the fetus would continue to develop as a female.2. Baldness
Don't freak out if you've seen some hair loss in the shower. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, people generally lose about 50 to a 100 hairs per day and given that you have over a hundred thousand follicles of hair in your Gau. It seems okay to lose only fifty to a hundred hairs but heavy hair loss that leads to baldness. It is a problem affecting a lot of men contrary to popular opinion. The gene of baldness is not passed on exclusively by the mothers X chromosomes there are other important factors if a man's father is bald then his chances of also losing his hair increased by 60%. The activity of male hormones also affects hair follicles in such a way that the body gradually loses its ability to produce new hair. The hairline begins to receive and the hair on the top of the head thins out stress and a poor diet also significantly increased the risk of going bald. Men with male pattern baldness can start losing their hair as early as their teenage years. If this is happening to you don't worry it usually takes between 15 and 25 years to go fully bulb and according to a study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, bald men are perceived as more dominant and attractive so you can certainly rock that look.
3.Men's Faces Age Slower Than Women's
A man's face preserves its youthful appearance for many more years than a woman's face. Does this is all down to the fact that a man's skin loses its concentration of collagen much more slowly as he ages. Meaning that it's much more resistant to wrinkling and sagging. However skincare habits and exposure to sunlight might not make the difference so noticeable. For example, if a woman takes care of her skin and apply sunscreen regularly she might look much younger than a man who is the same age but does not take care of his skin. Though men have the advantage with facial aging. Environmental factors can add years to a man's skin and undo the effects of collagen. So now that you know it might be a good time to run to the store and apply a good layer of sunscreen.4. Thick Skin
No I'am not talking about emotionally thick skin. According to dermatological studies, men's skin is thicker on the stratum corneum which is the outermost layer of the epidermis. It provides a strong barrier between the environment and the cells underneath. Here's an interesting fact, the stratum corneum is also known as the horny layer but don't get ahead of yourself it's called that because the cells are toughened like an animal's horn. The hormone testosterone is responsible for men's thick skin causing it to be 25% thicker than woman's skin. However over their lifetimes men's skin becomes thinner more quickly whereas women's skin remains the same thickness until they reach menopause when it starts to thin out. The texture of a man's skin is also very different from a woman's. Superficially we noticed that a man's skin is rougher but we might not notice that a man's skin also produces more sebum than a woman's skin. Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands and it helps the skin and hair maintain their moisture levels. Sounds like good news right but it can also account for why men have longer-lasting acne than women. Still moisturize hair and skin seems to be a significant advantage.5. Men's Bodies Can Lactate
Yes you read that right but have you ever wondered why men have nipples in the first place. Remember how we told you earlier that men essentially started life as females. Men and women are built from a common pattern and that's the reason why men have nipples. In theory men could lactate because male breasts have milk ducts and some mammary tissue. Another reason is that they have the hormones responsible for milk production oxytocin and prolactin but don't get scared and don't expect to start lactating any day now as it isn't common. There have been reports that males have lactated after significant stimulation to the nipples. There have also been reports of spontaneous lactation which can be a bit awkward but those instances can only occur when too much of the hormone prolactin is produced this might be the result of certain types of medical treatment used to stimulate the heart problems with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus use of opioids or extreme hunger. So unless you are taking medication that will react with your prolactin levels you don't have to worry about spontaneous like patient.
6. The Adam's Apple
Have you ever wondered what the Adam's apple is for. Did you notice when it started to protrude? During man's teenage years, their bodies experienced a series of changes one of which is the protrusion of the Adam's apple. The Adam's apple expands to account for the growth of the larynx as the larynx grows the man's voice becomes deeper and lower. Some men can have a larger Adam's apple if their voice box or larynx is large. Did you know women can also have an Adam's apple. Most women have a small version of the Adam's apple and it's simply there to protect the thyroid gland and vocal chords. Some women can develop larger Adam's apples if they have large larynexs. A large larynx may be caused by an increase in testosterone.7. Color Perception
Do you remember the classic joke, we've all seen on TV where a woman brings a color palette to a man to try to get his opinion on several shades of white but the man only sees one shade of white. Research shows that there's actually a basis for this joke. Men can discern far fewer shades of color than women can and the reason for this is really quite simple. Color perception is determined by retinal cone cells. Their information is contained in the X chromosome and because women have two X chromosomes the number of cone cells they possess is naturally twice as high as that of men. A professor at CUN wise Brooklyn college tested a large group of men and women on their color perception. The results show that women were more adept at differentiating between subtle gradations of color. For some shades women were able to detect tiny differences in color that looked the same to men however men are better at perceiving changes in brightness. According to a 2014 scientific report, the color red has been shown to distort a man's perception of time but not a woman's.8. Men Prefer Compliments From Other Men
You would think that men care more about compliments from the opposite sex but in fact the more pleased with compliments from other men. Linguists at Binghampton University found that people openly accept and give thanks for compliments. Only 30 percent of the time the other times they tend to humbly deflect or disagree with the person giving the compliment. The study also found that both women and men are more likely to accept and feel good after getting a compliment from a man than from a woman.Thank You
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