13 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar | Ashish's Blog


1. Diabetes

All the signs you're eating too much sugar most of us think only people with diabetes have high blood sugar levels that isn't so. Anyone can suffer from this and may not notice the harm being done to nerves blood vessels and organs. To prevent complications. You should recognize wearying symptoms and pay attention to sign if you notice it. You should call a doctor immediately.

2. Constant Hunger

You've just eaten lunch and even dessert, but still look for more food. It's a sign that you probably eat too much sugar. High blood sugar prevents glucose from entering cells as a result the body doesn't receive energy and ask for food again and Again, it's a Vicious circle. Try to cut off creamy desserts carbonated drinks and don't put sugar in your tea, or coffee and You'll see the result very soon.

3. Increased Fatigue

Do you know this feeling you haven't woken up yet, but you already feel tired. There's a simple explanation for this at a high blood sugar level your body can't store and absorb glucose properly. Energy is used inefficiently and body cells don't receive the fuel they need. That's why you often feel tired for no reason. Can't cut sugar all at once, at least replace it with honey well with a small spoon, not a jar.

4. Frequent Urination

If the blood sugar is too high, the kidneys cannot reabsorb fluid. why is this a bad thing? Your body trying to equalize the glucose concentration in the blood itself. Dissolves blood with intracellular fluid this brings the concentration of glucose to normal and results in frequent urination. In other words you run to the bathroom almost every five minutes to stop this annoying thing say no to candies,ice cream,muffins and other sweets you love.

5. Dry Mouth And Thirst

A dry mouth and thirst are responses to severe fluid Loss. The Hypothalamus which causes thirst sends a corresponding signal to the brain. It's better if you choose water or tea without sugar. Avoid drinking juice boxes they contain a lot of sugar. If you don't like the taste of plain water then add a piece of lemon mentally so add strawberry halves into the glass. This simple trick will make your water taste awesome.

6. Weight Loss

A high glucose level you can lose weight within a short period. Even if your meals contain a lot of calories. Here are several reasons for this, Fluid loss leads to a low fluid level in your body and it results in weight loss. If the insulin level is insufficient for glucose metabolism your body will start burning fat faster. Large amount of urine at a high level of glucose makes the body spend a lot of calories. In this way your body tries to dump the excess glucose.

7. Infectious Diseases

Urinary tract infections and yeast infections can occur in both men and women. However more often they occur in women with high sugar levels and diabetes a significant amount of sugar creates a favorable environment for yeast and Bacteria growth. Eat as little sugar as possible at least try to cut sugar from your diet for a week. Then for a month and so on as a result you will change your eating habits naturally and without stress.

8. Dry Skin

Did you know that dry skin connects with high blood sugar levels. Here are the reasons? Excessive urination dehydrate your body to such an extent that your skin begins to dry. Legs skin problems are a sign of narrowing of the arteries and poor blood circulation. Damaged nerves can disrupt the normal function of the sweat glands also the affect the skin water balance.

9. Concentrating Difficulties

We all know the fact that our brains need sugar for better work. However high sugar levels prevent glucose from entering the brain cells so the brain experiences difficulties obtaining energy. It affects the speed of thinking and decision making.

10. Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is also the result of a dehydrating effect. Due to high blood sugar and it also affects the cells of your eyes. As a result they deform and the eye loses its ability to focus properly.

11. Slow Healing Of  Wounds And Cuts

Do you notice your wounds and cuts heal slower than usual. That happens due to vascular damage. It's a result of high sugar levels and it leads to poor blood circulation especially in limbs and insufficient nutrition of tissues.

12. Impotence

Difficulties maintaining an erection can also occur because of high blood glucose. A normal erection requires healthy nerves good blood flow and proper balance of Hormones. An excess of sugar in your blood can affect each of these systems.

13. Irritability

According to research, people with high sugar are more anxious. The brain depends on an equal supply of glucose and Abrupt changes in its level affect its work negatively as a result your mood suddenly gets worse. Sugar also affects the absorption of another nutrient responsible for mood chromium. This mineral is needed to maintain a stable level of blood sugar. Insulin which removes glucose from the blood can't work properly without it.

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