1. You Won't Become A Math Genius By Drawing
You'd think that drawing and math have nothing to do with each other. But that's not the case drawing activates both hemispheres of the brain which allows you to come up with good solutions way quicker. Studies have even shown that kids learn math better and memorize information faster if they illustrate the new material or doodle in their notebooks. So whenever you need to make an important decision try doodling or drawing for 10 minutes using your non-dominant hand. You can also do it every day and after a month you'll notice the brain enhancing effects.2. Swings Are For Kids
Some more great news for the kid and us all. Playing on the swings can seriously improve your brain work. When we're children swinging on the playground promotes the development of certain parts of the brain responsible for speech and motor skills. Swinging, bouncing, rocking and spinning also strengthen the vestibular apparatus in the year at mph. Thus improving spatial orientation skills this fact has actually been proven by astronauts so don't hesitate to play on the swings for 15 to 20 minutes, two to three times a week and never turn down a ride on the merry-go-round it'll spare you from motion sickness as well as the staggering symptoms from excessive drinking.3. Psychic Abilities Don't Exist
Something like a sixth sense can often be found among people who have had to better develop certain sensory organs. Blind people for instance can understand the space around them by concentrating on their sense of hearing, smell or touch. To function properly their brain effectively creates a sort of mental map based on the received information to activate these parts of your brain practice doing certain things using earplugs several times a week. Other great options are walking backwards or playing what's in the box. After some time you'll see your sensory skills slowly but steadily sharpening.4. Chess Is The Best Sport For The Brain
Don't get me wrong your brain benefits a lot from chess but it works even better from complex physical training. During a full-body workout your system pumps out hormones that are responsible for memory. The assimilation of new skills and the preservation of neurons. Participants in a study were asked to solve certain tasks. When given a break group a stretched while group B rested the results showed that group B which rested did worse on the tasks than Group A. So the lesson here is simple don't rely purely on chess and crosswords to sharpen your mind swimming, dancing or yoga will do a way better job at developing not only your body but your brain as well.5. Milk Is Good For Your Brain
Believe it or not milk has insulinogenic or blood sugar raising and inflammatory properties that aren't exactly good for your system or brain work. That's why consuming other dairy products is much better for both your brain and your body. Adding more fatty fish caviar, nuts, fruits and vegetables to your plate is also advisable. You might even consider following the low-carb ketogenic diet just don't forget to consult your doctor before hand.6. Positive Thinking Is For The Young
Optimists cope with failure, easier and reach goals faster period. Pessimism and constant worrying however increase the risk of heart attack by up to 29% and the risk of cancer by up to 41%. That's why many psychologists recommend developing a so-called positive Distortion. It's not that hard to do it just takes time like anything else.7. People Are Mathematically Inclined Others Are Not
Another popular misconception about math that's made a lot of people give up after repeated failure. The truth is basic understanding of math is instinctual and an important survival skill. For example symmetry indicates a ripe fruit a sense of numbers helps determine how many people there are in an enemy tribe and the list goes on. The ability to do math develops differently among different people but it still can be improved even in adulthood. It has a positive impact on your memory and is good for creativity as well start with simple things play Monopoly and Scrabble check out simple math problems and tackle games and calculate your expenses in your head when you shop then gradually make the tasks harder and after some time you'll see how much easier any mathematical solution comes to you.8. Drinking Coffee Every Day Is Good For Memory
Caffeine does boost brain function and can postpone age-related memory disorders. But you don't have to drink it on a regular basis if you do it can seriously affect your sleep so keep the coffee consumption in check and try adding another brain boosting habit to your lifestyle. Reading if you read at least one to two books of different genres per week or reread old ones to refresh the data your brain will get a much-needed workout processing all that information. Sitting down with a book and a cup of coffee is an even better brain and mood enhancing combo.
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