10 Animals with Unbelievable Skills | Ashish's Blog


1. Kangaroo Rats

It's common knowledge that you can't survive without water for longer than 3 days. But kangaroo rats can keep going way longer, as in years! They live in extremely arid desert areas and have to get water from the seeds and plants they eat. And although it may sound a bit unsettling, kangaroo rats also know how to extract water from their urine before they set off on a bathroom trip. This way, they don't waste a single drop of precious moisture.

2. Plumed Basilisk Lizards

Plumed basilisk lizards have an uncanny ability to run on water! First of all, their hind feet are equipped with long toes which have fringes of skin that can spread out in water. As a result, a bigger surface of the lizard's foot comes into contact with water. Then, when the it runs on water, it pumps its legs incredibly fast. This creates little pockets of air that prevent the animal from drowning by keeping it on the surface.

3. The Cardinal Fish

The cardinal fish has been called "firework-spitting" for a reason! The thing is, when this little critter guzzles too many Ostracods, which are a type of zooplankton, the tiny creatures start to glow inside the fish's body due to their bioluminescence. As a result, the cardinal fish becomes more visible, and this can expose it to predators. That's why the fish spits the Ostracods out, which looks as if it breathes out bursts of bluish fire.

4. Jellyfish

Have you ever dreamed of immortality? Well, one animal has already figured it out! There is a particular jellyfish species spread throughout the world's oceans which can live forever! When the creature reaches the end of its life, it transforms back into its polyp state and, thus, restarts its life cycle over and over again.

5. Gecko Lizard

The animal world has its own analogy of Spiderman, and that's the gecko lizard. This critter has a marvelous ability to climb up all kinds of vertical surfaces and can even go for a walk on the ceiling. This gravity-defying feat is possible thanks to the lizard's unique foot pads covered with tiny hairs. They can cling to almost any kind of surface, no matter whether it's smooth, hard, rough, or soft.

6. Tarsiers

Tarsiers are tiny primates that live in Southeast Asia. Excluding the tail, the average height of this animal is only 4 inches, but at the same time, its eyes are about half an inch wide! As you may guess, it means that the eyes take up almost the whole head! It makes tarsiers the animals with the most impressive eye-to-body-size ratio among other living things. But that's not all! These huge eyes are so efficient that tarsiers can see in the dark as clearly as during the day. On the other hand, to look around, the primates have to turn their heads for nearly 180°. It can't be terribly convenient, right?

7. Sub-tropical Shrimp

A 1-inch-long sub-tropical shrimp disorients its prey with... a sonic boom! Despite its modest size, the pistol shrimp is one of the loudest marine animals. When the shrimp snaps its claws, it creates a noise as loud as a sonic boom. Naturally, this sound stuns the prey, and the shrimp can catch it without too much effort.

8. Opossums

Opossums are known for their handy trick of playing dead when a predator attacks them. But that's not the end of the story. These critters are also immune to snake venom! The secret is a peptide that helps opossums neutralize dangerous chemicals. This is the reason why snakes are a favorite treat on opossums' diet.

9. Hippos

Hippos know how to save a fortune on sun protection! Living under the harsh African sun, these animals secrete a sweat-like red oily substance which evaporates and keeps the animals' bodies cool. Besides, the fluid works as a moisturizer, sunscreen, and antibiotic, all in one.

10. Meerkats

Meerkats have dark patches around their eyes which makes them look even cuter. But these black circles aren’t there just to make the critters more adorable; they also function as built-in sunglasses. The dark fur on the patches blocks the blazing sun, and as a result, meerkats can gaze directly at the sky. On top of that, the sentry, a meerkat that watches out for birds and other predators, can easily see danger coming and alert its mates.

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